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Bergamot Oil


Bergamot Oil


$ 2.00
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Bergamot oil obtained from the rind of bergamot orange the fruit of (citrus bergamia) trees. It has a sweet citrus scant and very effective on antiseptic and uplifting. The oil extracted by cold pressed. Bergamot is a plant that produces a type of citrus fruit. Oil taken from the peel of the fruit is used to make medicine.Some people treat a skin condition called psoriasis by applying bergamot oil directly to the skin and then shining long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light on the affected area. Bergamot oil is also applied to the skin (used topically) for a tumor caused by a fungal infection (mycosis fungoides) and for pigment loss (vitiligo). It is also used as an insecticide to protect the body against lice and other parasites.

  • Product Code: EO/032
  • Botanical Name: Citrus Bergamia
  • Origin: Italy
  • Parts Used: fresh peel of the fruit.
  • Use: Bergamot The oil is used as a constituent for Intestinal Parasites, Nervous Eczema, Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Tension. It also has cosmetic applications including Skin Infections and in Psoriasis.
  • Packaging: 10ML,50ML,100ML,500ML,1KG,5KG,10KG,20KG,50KG,180KG
  • Price Sample: $2.00
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